Friday, October 11, 2013

Fitness Friday

Welcome to the first posting for Fitness Fridays. 
Every Friday will now have some thINSPIRATIONAL quotes, photos and what I did that week to work on my own health.

 I have started a program called AthLEAN XX. I used it 2 summers ago and while it kicks my butt in less than 30 minutes each time, I do love it. 

My first three days of AthLEAN XX worked three different target areas. The Glutes (that derriere), your amazing arms and of course...abs. 

Thanks to day 1 I had trouble walking, sitting, bending and dressing for 3 days after. Day 2 has allowed my to feel like my guns are water pistols and day 3 has me feeling like a have bruised ribs. I liked day 4. It was a day of rest! But let's keep some perspective...

Today I walked 6 miles and I still have my shoulders to work out before the night is over. 

Diet has not eluded me. I have been chowing down on my salads and managing my tea an coffee with little to now sugar. I choose water 9 out 10 times; couldn't tell you the last time I had a soda. Three out of four nights this week I had a Special K cereal. This wasn't even out of wanting to take in less calories but after working out I'm roasting! The last thing I was is a hot meal so cereal with cold milk is just the ticket!

I am also a HUGE believer in -

If you don't have "junk" as an option when you're home guess what! You don't have the option to eat it!

Practice keeping healthy food in your cabinets and fridge and give all your wonderful but damning comfort food away. 

Now I used to love my chips/crisps- especially if sitting on my butt watching TV. But it was the crunch that I grew accustom to. I now love to get super fresh lettuce and curl up on my sofa and crunch crunch crunch away. Your brain doesn't know the difference and it helps get in your veggie servings!


  1. I so wish I had your commitment...I have all the exercise cd's, chair for Pilates and even the fitboard for the Wii. I have yet to do any of it. I have more weight loss/exercise books then I will probably ever look at and oddly enough I hardly ever eat junk food.

    But honestly keep up the good work.

    1. Trina, You have to figure out what inspires you to use those things :) It sounds like you have all the tools and just need some motivation. Pinterest thinspiration boards help me-- but if you commit to something like a 2 week program, nothing to long then after that first two weeks you'll be feeling a difference and won't want to quick from there. The hardest part, is trult getting starting! But no matter how slow you go starting out... you're still lapping everyone on the couch ;) Go get it lady!


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